Edited at 21.12.2020 – Essay examples

What is an Essay?

From the ages of elementary and high school, it has been a habit to learn how to write an essay. At whatever point you begin learning this skill, defining it will be handy for you in the future.  

Just like any document that students write, an essay needs to have the appropriate structure. This makes it easier to read and understand all the information that will be contained in the said document. Writing an impressive paper looks easy, but it is essential to know the type of data to include in the paper.  

Different essays will need different structures. However, essay samples will be similar in that they must contain the following:

  1. Introduction
  2. Body 
  3. Conclusion

The prologue for an essay should present the thesis statement. When writing the body of an essay, you will only need to determine the main idea that the rest of the documents will address. In the body paragraphs, you will introduce the key points and give contextual explanations for each of them. The conclusion is usually a summary of all the ideas that you have expressed in the essay.  

For the conclusion, it is essential to refer back to the first paragraph. This is because it provides the reader with a clear education research topics picture of what the essay is about. Therefore, please do not deviate from the main idea and summarize the main points.  

Examples of essay examples

Below is a list of some of the instances where you can find essay example essays online.


This example is from the Chicago Manual of Style. It has three parts, namely:

  1. Narrative
  2. Compare and contrast
  3. Contribution
  4. Application

When writing these examples, be keen to observe the essay's format and structure. The entire text has to be explained in the same way the introduction and conclusion were. Do not confuse the difference between these two essays as you may get cross-checked by Grammarly. Remember to use consistent citations throughout the text.

Wall Street

The second part of the same topic, known as the body section, consists of approximately 60-100 words. It is advisable to ensure that the word count given is within the limit stated by the professor. Additionally, do not interchange the idea across the table. Content that does not contribute to the essay should not be included.  


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