concepts, models and theories in nursing -. Hildegard Peplau

In this weblog post, we are going to have a look at the theory of Hildegard Peplau tiny closer to us all, due to the fact this was among the first men and women to distinctive theories integrated into their theory. Specifically work of psychiatrists and psychologists had an effect here


Table of Contents:Reading Time: five minutes / 1,045 words.The theory of Hildegard Peplau - definition and facts.Influences with the sentance rewriter theory of Hildegard Peplau.The theory of Hildegard Peplau refers to the motivation theory of Maslow's character theory of Miller as well as the stimulus-response model of Pavlov, Adorno, Erickson, Freud and Fromm were other influences. Most influence and significance, on the other hand, had Harry Stuck Sullivan with his works (Psychiatry) for Peplau. An assumption of Sullivan is that Human obtained by the need for gratification along with a need driven by security.

On the basis of these many excitation created Peplau its process-oriented model. The knowledge in psychiatric nursing contributes to this process.In its definition of nursing Peplau coined the term psychodynamic care, which offers the meaning of the Pflegenden- patient connection at the center. Peplau it comes to recognizing and to clarify what happens when a nursing supportive turns a patient. Your assumption here is:"The personality of a nurse who is accountable for the finding out approach in the patient is important; the promotion of character to mature men and women would be the responsibility of care and nursing education. Solutions of processing and understanding of interpersonal relationships need to as a result be content of teaching "(Kuehne Ponesch 2004, p 127).

The 4 phases of your nurse - patient connection.According Peplau one can find 4 phases of nurses -Patient relationship which produce knowledge about on which level of improvement, the partnership is:Orientation identification exploitation selection.Declaration around the 4 phases."In the orientation phase, the patient has a need to become helped professionally as a consequence of a disorder (really feel require). The suffering is definitely the first step inside the improvement on the personality. The nurse aids the patient's issues and needs to determine and fully grasp so that you can derive acceptable subsequently Assist in. What is mentioned to become uncomplicated to understand by the patient, to offer him the possibility of active participation. Within this phase the basis for additional cooperation in between the caregiver and also the patient arises. One particular can speak of a "partnership relationship".

Inside the Identifiktionsphase an identification in the patient with the folks who provide you with him help is. The connection involving the caregiver and also the patient is strengthened by trust might be constructed. It is actually prepared the technique to actively participate as a patient in the care method. The expertise gained in a illness scenario also can market or inhibit an effect on an active participation in a relationship process because the knowledge with the patient in wellness matters. A frequently good amount of education features a favorable impact on the linguistic expression and the understanding and being understood to become made. When the patient is passive and he can not bring himself to the care events with a single, it really is to reflect the process of nursing the relationship and the related fears.

At the stage of exploitation or use phase, the patient maximum advantage for addressing his suffering should draw in the partnership. This only succeeds when he far better understand his situation learns and makes use on the solutions provided. The force of nurses is thereby transferred to the patient, new objectives can be formulated and pursued. The nurse offers the patient the feeling of positive "mother love."In the stage of your decision or replacement of old, are no longer relevant for the patient goals are discarded and new ones sought. The patient frees himself from the relationship with the caregiver and is once once more open for the relationship uptake outside the overall health sector. He requires more than again even the duty for themselves. This process is in general parallel together with the healing procedure and indicates a recovery. It is not uncommon that nurses have difficulty letting go of the patient and satisfy own dependency wants. The release procedure that has usually to start in the patient is complex by "(Kuehne Ponesch 2004 S.127ff).

Definition of well being and disease in the course of action."Health, by" be accomplished growth. " that is equated with development of character development, requires place, if it really is conceivable to integrate illness encounter within the personality and discover from them. Peplau sees a target inside a creative, constructive, productive and above all socially recognized life. It defines disease as an inevitable human expertise. In case you could make sense from the disease, it can be noticed as a development encounter "(ibid. P.129).

duties of care.In Peplau care is to assume the job of various roles and therefore get to know the patient and assistance. If this fails, then chronicity will be the result. The unused capabilities of patients needs to be identified and utilised for the purposes of prevention of illnesses. The nurse assumes the following roles within the care procedure model: function of the unknown, the assistant, teacher's part, leadership, deputy part, advisory part.Some behaviors within these roles that holds the caregiver should, according Peplau show nurses in no case:Sufferers with tales of their very own lives to bother the patient raise the darling patients and to recognize this in their daily operate the patient for tiny orders exploit Disputes between patients referee to play; To respond when sufferers decrease himself to dependency tendencies similar to "I am dependent and helpless" to respond; talk about the behavior of other caregivers with the patient; To engage in buddy relationships with individuals; creating ambiguous statements.Ambitions of care.The objective is consistently the improvement of the personalities of absolutely everyone involved inside the relationship procedure!Plays a significant function, the constructive development inside the spirit of creativity, productivity and neighborhood. Peplau talks here even care as an educational tool.


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